Our advisory groups

Our advisory groups

At Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network (EMPHN) we value the knowledge, perspectives, and backgrounds of people involved in both providing and using primary healthcare services within the eastern and north-eastern catchment.

Our three Advisory Groups; Clinical Council, Community Advisory Council & WiseCrowd supports our decision making and planning.

Our community’s input is critical in shaping EMPHN’s strategy, vision and work.

Clinical and Practice Council

Our Clinical and Practice Council, comprised of clinicians and health professionals across the full spectrum of health care, including general practice, pharmacy, nursing and allied health, plays a pivotal role in advising and assisting us to effectively listen to and respond to our community's priorities and concerns.

The Council meets quarterly to offer clinical perspectives and guidance on our work. There are opportunities outside of these meetings to be involved in consultations, workshops and events. Prospective council members are required to meet our membership criteria and are guided by our Terms of Reference.

Meet our current members.

Community and Consumer Council

Our Community and Consumer Council, is an active committee of a diverse group of people who provide subject matter expertise, insights and advice to support our organisation’s strategy and the way in which we design our services.

We welcome people who may have a lived experience of mental health conditions, drug and alcohol concerns, chronic health conditions, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or LGBTIQA.

The Council meets quarterly to offer unique perspectives and guidance on our work. There are opportunities outside of these meetings to be involved in consultations, workshops and events. Prospective members are required to meet our membership criteria and are guided by our Terms of Reference.

Meet our current members.

EMPHN WiseCrowd

Our newly established community and consumer panel is for individuals interested in contributing towards enhancing the health and well-being of those residing in the east and north-eastern Melbourne catchment.

We invite all members of our community to become a part of this initiative including:

  • People with lived or living experience of healthcare issues of all kinds, whether they be mental health, chronic or complex conditions, or those associated with ageing.
  • First Nations Peoples
  • People from culturally and linguistically diverse communities
  • People who identify as LGBTQIA+ or other sexualities and genders
  • People with disabilities
  • Those who provide either formal or informal care to people with health care issues.
  • Healthcare professionals from all practices, including:
    • general practitioners (private and community)
    • practice, hospital, aged care or community nurses
    • community, accredited or hospital pharmacists
    • allied health providers, such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, occupational therapists and others
    • aged care workers and assistants
    • paramedics or ambulance workers
    • specialists

As a member of our Wisecrowd, you can engage in a variety of opportunities to have your say and offer your insights into the current and future state of healthcare. You can do this by:

  • Participating in forums, events, and workshops
  • Engaging in online activities like surveys, virtual discussions, and social media campaigns
  • Being involved in committees and working groups
  • Contributing to tender evaluation panels

Eastern Melbourne PHN values inclusion and diversity and is committed to providing safe, culturally appropriate, and inclusive services for all people, regardless of ethnicity, faith, disability, sexuality, gender identity or health status.

Payment via gift card is made for most activities, in accordance with EMPHN’s Stakeholder Reimbursement Policy. Read our Terms of Reference.